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Die hypothetical projection of a slipscout

Slipscouts are ships which are used to discover and map the slipstream.

According to Rommy it's theoretically impossible to determine or even map the Slipstream, as it perpetualy alters. Nonetheless, the Nietzscheans should have measured the slipstream with the aid of a fleet of slipscouts "from the smallest group to the Virgo Cluster and 10 billion transit points in between" (translated quotation from Gaiton), before the Long Night.

The chance of a AI to navigate the slipstream successfully is about 50%. This is the reason why organic Slipstream navigators, which have a chance of 99,97% due to their intuition, are required. By dint of such a map, it would be possible that a AI combined with an organic slipstream navigator can reach its destination by a chance of 100%.

"The Slipstream is owned by the one who measured it" (transl. quot. from Gaiton)



  • Ship's Complement: probably 2

Combat Systems

  • probably no weapons

Ships of Slipscout Class


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