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Name San-Ska-Re
Location Triangulum Galaxy
Inhabitants 23 billion (94% Than, 3% Human, 1% Nietzschean, 2% misc)
Diameter 13,300 km / 8,260 mi
Water surface area 28%
Climate desert

Most sentient species wouldn't consider San-Ska-Re a pleasant place to live. Hot and arid, blessed with little surface vegetation and plagued by enormous, continent-sized sandstorms, the planet isn't much to look at. Yet San-Ska-Re managed to give birth to one of the Commonwealth's most industrious species, the Than-Thre-Kull, who live on the planet in great abundance and cover its surface with their ornate, intricately organized hive cities. San-Ska-Re briefly served as the provisional capital of the Systems Commonwealth during the Nietzschean Uprising. The planet then became the seat of the restored Than Hegemony, one of the most powerful political formations in known space. Humans and other minorities continued to dwell on San-Ska-Re, mostly in Than-like social arrangements.

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