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Name Freya
Race Nietzschean
Birthplace unknown
Faction Orca
Family Status married with Tyr Anasazi; one son: Tamerlan
Last Known Status dead

Freya (portrayed by Dylan Bierk) is out of the Nietzschean Orca pride. Her great-great-granfather Bolivar was an Alpha, as was his father's father, all way back to the famous Nietzschean Saladin Cree.


  • In Norse Mythology and Germanic Mythology, Freyja (sometimes anglicized as Freya) is sister of Freyr and daughter of Njord. She is usually seen as a Norse fertility goddess. (Wikipedia)
  • Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios (born July 24, 1783 in Caracas, New Granada – died December 17, 1830, in Santa Marta, Colombia) was a leader of several independence movements throughout South America, collectively known as Bolívar's War. (Wikipedia)
  • Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi known also as Saladin or Salah al-Din Yusuf (c. 1138 – March 4, 1193), Sultan of Egypt and Syria, was a 12th-century Kurdish Muslim general and warrior from Tikrit, in present day northern Iraq. He founded the Ayyubid dynasty of Egypt, Syria, Yemen (except for the Northern Mountains), Mesopotamia, Mecca, Hejaz and Diyarbakır. (Wikipedia)
  • The Cree are an indigenous people of North America who occupy an area from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean in both Canada and the United States. They now constitute the largest group of First Nations people in Canada and are referred to as Native Americans in the United States. (Wikipedia)


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