Ung Tae Class

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The AM9D Ung Tae drop ship is a combination armored personnel carrier, hover-tank and skiff and is the foundation upon which the Lancer Corps has built its reputation. These drop ships are the primary delivery vehicles for High Guard troops on the ground, capable of all-weather operations in up to 20 Gs. Each ship carries a platoon of Lancers and their basic combat gear, plus provisions for short-term accommodations as shelter. Though slow, Ung Tae can take a tremendous pounding due to multiple layers of ablative and reactive armor. In addition, each ship is equipped with a single direct fire AP gun turret and a deployable 150mm mass-driver cannon for indirect fire support at 1200 rounds per minute. Operating in concert, an entire division of AM9Ds can coordinate mass-driver effects for simultaneous arrival on target with pinpoint accuracy.


  • Ship's Complement: unknown
  • Officer/Enlisted: unknown
  • 1 Lancer platoon

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