Super Direction of the Internet
The fastest growing medium is already part of our lives. When we choose to the cinema , when planning a trip abroad or buying consumer electronics , looking for interesting offers on the web. On the card next to the phone number we give mandatory e-mail address , and arrange a meeting to chat or AIM . Internet permeates our culture , it becomes a part of it , for many it is already commonplace. Is it possible to ignore this phenomenon?
Internet then and now .
From day to day the Internet becomes increasingly popular , inexorably coming to us. It's hard to believe, but the Internet is already 35 years. In 1969 . was established , which is the nucleus of today's Internet , an experimental network of the Department of Defense called ARPANET (ARPA - Advansed Research Projects Agency ) . Initially acting research tool , transformed into a universal means of communication. At present, the number of users is estimated at 700 million . In some countries its called tworzenie stron internetowych. Research conducted by Morgan Stanley suggests that in terms of the rate of adaptation of the Internet is the fastest growing media . The World The World Wide Web has established itself in 50 million households in the United States in just 5 years , while the number of radio has gained over 38 years , public television 13 years, and the cable of the 10 .
About the size of the Internet provides a number of hosts or computers with their own DNS number , which today is about 50 million strony internetowe .
Characteristic features of the Internet :
is an interactive tool , which allows two-way communication process , allows you to create communication addressed to the individual recipient , is a pull medium - forces the user to actively search for information , which allows the company to help identify potential consumers and their needs , operates 24 hours a day at the same time reaching out to Internet users around the world , sender information can be anyone who has access to the Internet, allows the integration of marketing instruments (eg, by online advertising can be done directly request). tworzenie stron internetowych
Is the Internet profitable?and strony internetowe uk
Advantages of Internet saw not only scientists, students , pupils, but also consumers and businesses . That's what the Internet allows customers to comfortable reach the selected products , know their characteristics and prices without leaving home. That's what the Internet enables companies to contact with their customers and partners , opening up a huge range of marketing opportunities projektowanie stron internetowych The Internet allows you to create the image of your company in a much more economical than traditional methods . Putting a corporate website is a form of advertising that reaches millions of potential customers in Poland and around the world. In an easy and precise allows you to reach the offer to the selected target group at a relatively low cost. In comparison with other media , the Internet enables rapid continuous , almost automatic update of the information presented at minimal cost and projektowanie stron internetowych uk What can you gain by having the company's website :
1 The advertisement in the fastest growing medium today . Web services have huge potential presentation of the company after the advanced multimedia and interactive. 2 Increase the number of customers . A huge number of people before you leave home check the offer on the internet and on the basis of selected product . Can choose just offer your company tworzenie stron internetowych uk 3 Savings . Cost reduction is one of the fundamental purposes for which they should be interested in the Internet. A lot of business processes can be effectively transferred to the network and thus significantly save a lot of money. 4 Simple and rapid placement of the current offer . You do not need to print new directories or folders , you can put the entire offer of the company and keep it updated without incurring any costs. 5 Easier contact with trading partners. Not everything you give over the phone, through the internet , you can send a lot more information faster and more reliable than traditional methods of communication such as mail or courier . 6 The ability to present a comprehensive company profile Thanks to our web service , you can present something more than just a logo and address. 7 The image of the company as a reliable and future-proof . Many customers perceive your company having a website as a more modern , reliable and more professional . What remains to you ? You have to decide whether you want to actively join the Internet society , if you want to catch up with the competition and present your products on the Internet? Implementation of an effective website can entrust an experienced webmasters or do it yourself.
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