Using H2O2 as a dietary supplement for rheumatoid arthritis

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An increasing number of diseases are related to the condition of your gut, and more explicitly to whether you have a leaky gut or not. Because it is the leaky gut that lets through partly digested food and toxic substances straight into the blood, this is the start of lots of different sicknesses including cancer, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, Alzheimer's, allergies, eczema, asthma, Autism, Diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis…

Most the autoimmune diseases start in the gut, and more specifically the small intestine, as the small intestine is supposed to be completely aerobic with aerobic pathogens that burn the foods - digesting it - these food products are then taken in without any troubles.

The problem comes in when due to (chlorine in drinking water, antibiotics, toxins in food) these good aerobic bacteria gets killed, it gives the anaerobic pathogens like Candida the chance to move into the small intestine, and once they digest food items, it has toxins that then gets ingested into the body. This must be cleaned by the liver, but due to quantities of the toxins, some of it has to be stored till a later date, this toxins is first saved in your fat deposits and later even in your muscles. dietary supplement for weight loss

The next challenge with these anaerobic pathogens is the fact that they secure themselves to the wall of the gut, and as the gut wall is just not very strong, this easily leads to holes in the gut wall, here is the start of a leaky gut, undigested foodstuffs get through into the blood, our bodies sees this as invaders and cause inflammation and start attacking it. Regretably these foodstuffs looks very much like our own sells subsequently it starts attacking itself without realising it.

Autoimmune conditions are linked by one central biochemical process: A runaway immune response often known as systemic inflammation that results in the body attacking its own tissues.

The best solution to all autoimmune diseases is of healing he gut, as once the gut is healthy the body can easily heal itself.

So what you should do if your small intestine is infected with unwanted anaerobic pathogens? We know the body use hydrogen peroxide H2O2 to attempt to keep these bad bacteria under control, so just what if we could supplement H2O2 in small quantities and low dosage into the small intestine? Well we know it will solve the problem as these anaerobic pathogens can't survive within a oxygen rich environment. We also are aware that as the oxygen is released the anaerobic pathogens will die, and this added oxygen will assist the aerobic pathogens to thrive. We also are aware that hydrogen peroxide H2O2 also neutralise toxins, so your gut will be thoroughly cleaned as well.

The good news is that there is just such a product on the market, it is known as H2O2RainDrops, you only add these drops to all the fluids as well as other drinks you drink. It is a user friendly food grade hydrogen peroxide H2O2 product that can be used with food, and that does not have it doesn't need to be refrigerated, for more info consider looking at -

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