Peruvian Yacon Extract

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Peruvian Yacon Extract is one of the few suppliments that is recognized nowadays as safe by the Food and Drug Adminsitration in the United Sates with clinical trials to back up its effectiveness.

It has been researched surprisingly well with several clinical trials that evaluated those who were obese over a 120 day period in a double blind placebo test.

The results showed “Daily intake of yacon syrup produced a significant decrease in body weight, waist circumference and body mass index.”

You might be wondering, "What is Peruvian Yacon Root Extract?"It is a vegetable that is indigenous to the Andes mountains in South America and tastes a lot like a mild version of an apple which is why it’s also known as Peru’s apple of the Earth. It falls in the the tuber category, and looks like a potato.

How does the extract work? It speed up our metabolism, by promoting the skinny bacteria. Yacon syrup very interestingly lowers the hunger hormone ‘ghrelin’ which brings you down towards fullness, and keeps you down by also controlling insulin. -Dr. Oz”

What Makes This Different?

The research showed some very exciting and promising results for those studied. An average weight loss of 33 pounds and 2 inches off their waist in 4 months along with a drop is LDL (bad) cholesterol without diet or exercise is pretty astounding. This was the consensus of 5 different doctors which Dr. Oz asked to evaluate the Yacon Syrup results. The results of Dr. Oz’s study shed further light on the weight loss potential:

• 29 (73%) of the women lost weight • 14 women lost more than 5 pounds • Average weight loss was 2.9 pounds • Average decrease in waist cercumfrance was 1.9 inches • Cumulative weight lost among all the women was 153 pounds • 27 (68%) recommended yacon as a weight loss tool

How Should I Take it?

As with many natural products like this, there are many different forms that the Yacon root extract will come in. Everything from the vegetable root itself, dried chips, powder, pills with the powder, and syrup. Each option will bring similar benefits as they all contain the most vital element FOS.

Our interest is in finding the application that most people can stick to for the long term. We found that the powder, or pills containing the powder were the most economical, easiest to take, and provided similar benefits as all other forms. It’s recommended to take 1 pill or 500 mg before each meal, with plenty of water. There were no side effects reported with any of the test subjects in the main clinical study, or the one conducted by Dr. Oz.

Dr. Oz said it is best for people

• Who are Obese or Overweight • Need more Fiber • Are Chronically Constipated • Have Elevated Blood Sugar

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