Car Accessory That Combats New Rear Facing Safety Seat Regulations
With US state laws being tightened up for enhanced auto safety seat security, many moms and dads have actually found the solution that enables them to keep an eye on their precious freight.
With the recent modifications made to safety seat laws in many US states, followed by announcements by district authorities that many moms and dads had already been fined for not upholding the new statutes, it would appear that a group of moms and dads have actually found a method to assist them keep their infant rear-facing up till 2, as stated by the new modifications to regulations.
In a recent five star verified Amazon customer review for the Freddie and Sebbie rear seat mirror, Julie Williams says... "I bought this to utilize for when I babysit, and have to carry my grandson. 30 years ago, my infant's safety seat looked forward, so I had no trouble ensuring he was all right, however not so in 2015 with rear-facing safety seats. This mirror is exactly as described, so with no doubt, with all the items on the market for children these days, this is among those "why didn't I think about that?" must haves!"
Freddie and Sebbie company representative, Neil Speight, has actually discussed how they have turned into one of the first outlets to offer this infant seat device on Amazon, stating... "We were able to launch the infant mirror on Amazon in early November 2014, in the nick of time for the new regulation modifications this year. The preliminary response by clients has actually been outstanding, with the item receiving over 250 customer reviews, the majority of which have actually been 5 star rated ratings. As a business we are delighted to have actually designed an accessory making the choice of keeping kids rear-facing longer, a much easier one for moms and dads to take, and an even better choice for a youngster's security in case of a traffic crash."
In another comment left on Amazon by Wingnut, who says he couldn't think of a more perfect mirror. He includes... "You secure it tightly to any headrest then can angle the mirror with a ball and joint set-up to any angle. It's firm enough to be stagnate once set. Better than my old mirror that you had to angle on the headrest itself. I would highly recommend this accessory to all moms and dads of infants or young children, currently in rear facing seats." Finally, Becca Lynn Tippy in yet another five star score review stated... "I have actually been wanting one of these since our infant was born! I just adore how big this mirror is. Others I have actually looked at were smaller, and this one resembles a huge TV screen. I love the fact that I can see everything that is going on while I am driving. I understand safety is our top concern when we are on the road, so looking back to look at infant is not a great option. This rear seat infant mirror enables me to always see that he is safe or playing, or even the periodic spit up when it's happening. Most important of all for me though is that it enables me to always keep my hands safely on the wheel, and my eyes forward at all times."
Discover The Freddie and Sebbie Baby Car Mirror On Amazon By Clicking Here: Car Mirror On Amazon