Stroller Restrictions On CTA Buses Rebuked By Moms

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The Chicago Transport Authority (C.T.A) stroller constraints on buses is something many parents are angry about, with pressure groups starting to collect signatures for a petition they plan to present to the CTA.

RedeyeChicago news recently voiced an online campaign to ditch the C.T.A controversial stroller constraints on buses, which has been gaining steam among parenting groups on social networks. Michelle Parker, of Lakeview, prepared an online petition requesting stroller users to have the exact same rights as wheelchair users after a bus operator told her she needed to fold her stroller to board a bus. The petition, which Parker plans to submit to the CTA, has gathered more than 160 signatures as of last Tuesday.

The Authorities stroller policy is one of the most dissentious rider concerns. According to C.T.A rules, stroller users are motivated to fold their strollers prior to getting onto the bus if crowded. Strollers may only remain open in reserved seating unless a senior or rider with an impairment requires the space. A representative said... "This is a ridiculous petition. I have actually raised two kids. I understand the difficulties of handling kids and their stroller and stroller organizer on the C.T.A That said, it never ever struck me that elderly or handicapped individuals need to be on a par with my circumstances. I have options; they do not."

Federal law makes it a requirement for the C.T.A, and other transit companies to designate reserved seating to seniors and riders with impairments. CTA spokeswoman Catherine Hosinski said... "Children in strollers are welcome on the CTA, but there is a hierarchy who gets reserved seating on demand. Riders in wheelchairs or scooters, riders with other physical disabilities not in mobility devices, seniors, expectant mothers and riders with children in strollers, and then everyone else."

Some riders have actually pushed the Authority to enhance their policy making all riders to fold their strollers, a policy on Pace suburban buses. However Parker and those who signed the petition are requesting for reserved seating to be designated for strollers, in addition to individuals in wheelchairs and seniors. Parker, aged 36, said... "I believe at the end of the day, it's just acknowledgment for moms with very children, you see, strollers are their wheelchairs." Parker added that when she has boarded a bus with her young kids in a stroller, she has experienced hostility from bus drivers, who refused to lower the bus so she might board, as well as impolite comments said by other riders as she boarded.

Grievances about strollers on buses are a regular topic at CTA meetings that allow comments from the general public. The Authority attempted to stop a few of these aggravations in 2012 when the agency introduced a stroller awareness campaign. Bus drivers gave out fliers motivating riders to "Be Stroller Savvy" when the bus is crowded, by making use of small umbrella strollers, as well as folding the stroller with stroller organizer attached. In the 6 months after the campaign began, stroller grievances were down 60 percent, CTA president Forrest Claypool said in 2014. However Parker is hoping the C.T.A shall review its policy and tell drivers to be more accommodating to riders with strollers. Parker said... "I am hoping it's a simple fix for them, and it doesn't develop into world war 3, but we'll see."

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