Additional Applications for Universal Vacuum Sealer Bags

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Let me guess? Food storage was the key objective you had in mind when you first purchased your <a href="">universal sealing bags</a>, correct? Obviously, almost 9 out 10 buyers would say that having an effective food packaging solution was their primary driver to purchasing this appliance. However, did you know that the same vacuum sealing machine can be used for other applications? If you didn’t, don’t worry. We have you covered. With the following illustrations, we hope to spark some mental exercises that steer your creativity in the right direction to grow your possibilities.

Media Devices and CDs If you are older enough to have experienced and played vinyl records, you surely will confirm that air, humidity and dust are the leading suspects to produce severe damage to our media. Storing your blue-ray discs and DVDs in their cases may protect them from falls but they do very little against our three prime suspects. When you vacuum seal the cases and LP records in made-to-order bags, you actually finish up safeguarding and preserving your media totally for many years to come.

Important Documents As the old saying says, one can never be too cautious. What would be the difference between lamination and vacuum sealing? While both methods have proven to be a helpful means to protect important documents, perhaps vacuum sealing might have less weaknesses than lamination. If and when lamination gets broken, most likely your document will as well get damaged because the hard layer that safeguarded the document would have been trespassed. In addition to this, when a document goes through lamination it usually is applied to one single sample. With vacuum sealing, the user can put several valuable documents into one bag and vacuum seal them altogether.

Magazines and Books Like every other wood product, paper products experience oxidation problems when they are kept open “in the air” for too long. Books & magazines, even if you store them in cardboard boxes, they will still “suffer” when in contact with moisture and air, and this will cause effects like mold growth, yellowing, and outbreaks.

Again, vacuum packaging these items will automatically prevent these effects from expanding and you will preserve the quality and readability of your books and magazines. Furthermore, throw some silica gel or a some packets of rock salt in addition to the process of vacuum sealing and this will help even more to reduce moisture exposure.

Emergency and Travel Kits We all know about the challenges of travelling. Medicine bottles, cosmetics, toiletries and similar products pose a challenge as the fluid inside them can easily spill out. If one vacuum seals these products practically this trouble disappears and not only that, it is easier to pack the bag! Being prepared for extreme –disastrous- situations it basically implies to having the right material and kits ready for its quick and helpful use. That is, the reader can vacuum seal gauze tapes, gloves, surgical material, and band aids into one or several bags and have them fit carefully and tidily into your first aid bag.

Using your imagination and trying to fulfill the immediate and other applications of your vacuum sealer can give the reader a distinctive advantage when dealing with day-to-day and emergency situations.

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