Alabama InventHelp Client Lights Up the Season

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A few years ago, InventHelp client, Bryan Bechtol of Mobile, Alabama had an idea to spruce up the winter holidays with more light and sparkle. He invented the patented Mirror Ball Star Tree Topper which is now available at Wal-Mart, Kmart and many other well-known stores around the country.

"I've worked with lighting for most of my life," Bryan said. "One day, I began thinking about ways that Christmas-tree ornaments could attract more attention if they had similar characteristics as disco lights and conceived of this design."

The Mirror Ball Star Tree Topper is a star-shaped, LED illuminated ornament that can really put the sparkle in the holidays. At the heart of the star is a small, mirrored ball that reflects the lighting around the room in a most appealing manner. It can be used as a holiday tree-top decoration and also as special-effect lighting for after the holidays.

Bechtol hopes that the patented product will become a holiday favorite, no matter how large or small the users' home. The Mirror Ball Star Tree Topper can be purchased here as well as stores and online outlets.

InventHelp is a leading inventor service company, helping inventors since 1984. InventHelp submits our client's inventions, products or ideas to industry in an attempt to obtain a good faith review

This is one individual success. Only a very small number of inventions are licensed and sold in stores. InventHelp is proud of the fact that this product is currently being sold in numerous locations. This client has not made a financial gain.

From 2011-2013, we signed Submission Agreements with 5,252 clients. As a result of our services, 144 clients have received license agreements for their products, and 24 clients have received more money than they paid us for these services.

For more information about InventHelp services, visit their website here or call 1-800 INVENTION. InventHelp, 217 9th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3506.

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