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Name Hajira
Origin Human subspecies
Distribution Serendipity
Structure of society unknown
Status Endangered/Extinct

A human subspecies, the Hajira have the distinct ability to pass on memory through their genetic material. This means each one remembers everything their ancestors did up to the point of conception.

The Hajira are a peaceful race, never knowing much in the way of violence. They settled a world known as Serendipity and for a time lived isolated from the rest of the Known Worlds. Eventually, they were rediscovered and Wayist monks came to try and convert them. The Hajira were also targeted by slavers, but Captain Dylan Hunt and Rev Bem answered a call for help and tried to protect them. One Hajira, Tiama, infested herself with Rev's larva and gave birth to Magog who possessed the genetic memory of the Tiama and Rev. Though they were successful in defeating the slavers, they then went on to infest the rest of the Hajira, ostensibly to ensure the survival of their memories. All but one of the Hajira died in this manner and the subspecies as a whole is more or less extinct, though their memory is carried on by the new breed of Magog.



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