Idea on How you can Charge Your Gadgets Properly

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The batteries are not being charged correctly – this is probably one of the most frequent-occurring problems being experienced by any device owner today. People usually think that the charger is the main cause for the occurrence of this problem, and they immediately decide on purchasing new chargers to replace the ones they already own . This said act of replacement, however, is not always correct and necessary.

This problem could be a result of several causes. It may either be because your device is really not charging at all when you plug it in, or because it charges at a very slow pace that when you unplug it after a few hours, it still isn’t fully charged.

The remedy for the last mentioned is very easy. You simply have to plug in your device longer. You just have to be patient enough in waiting for your electronic device to be charged completely . Be watchful though as not to overcharge your devices. Doing so might either damage your battery, or even blow your device up.

The first mentioned situation, however, would still lead us to other factors that must be taken into consideration.

The first sub-factor to be noted of is compatibility. Is the prong of the charger well-matched to the USB port that you are using? You would have to put this in mind if you are opting to buy yourself a new charger. Make sure that everything matches. You could also choose multi-port USB chargers if you want to charge up more devices simultaneously . These chargers usually are compatible to almost any size of USB prongs available.

An example of these chargers would be the Vority 6-port USB charger. This 6-port USB charger was made with three 2.4 A ports, and another three 1.0 A ports which altogether ensures that you don’t have a problem regarding compatibility.

You can charge almost any Apple or even Android device with this 6-port 6-port USB wall charger. This charger also provides a perfect fit for the charger prongs of your Portable Sony PlayStations, cameras, music players, and power banks.

Sometimes, the problem lies not on compatibility, rather on the fact that the metallic surface of the insides of the USB port and the prong of the charger are not making perfect contact. This usually happens as a result of faulty manufacturing, or because of the repeated plugging and unplugging of the cable.

If this is the cause why you’re devices are not charging correctly, then all you have to do is somehow lever up the tabs found inside the USB port on your device. Use anything small to do this, and remember to be very careful. Turn off your electronic device before doing such tip.

Lastly, you have to check whether your USB ports are clean or not. Most often than not, the reason for devices not charging properly is that there is already a pile of dirt blocking its ports. If so, you need to get a cotton swab and some cleaning formula to get all the dirt and debris out of the USB ports.

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