Jack Fremont

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Name Jack Fremont
Race Human
Birthplace unknown
Faction Commonwealth
Family Status unknown
Last Known Status unknown

Acting Minister of War at the time of the elections for the second Triumvir, Jack Fremont (portrayed by Jano Frandsen) was the one who addressed Captain Dylan Hunt's concerns about transporting Sid Profit. He informed Hunt that while he was aware of the problems and issues, he expected Hunt to carry out his orders. Fremont also informed Captain Hunt that despite everything he had done for the Commonwealth, some of his activities had earned him the ire of several major powers within the government and amongst the signatory worlds. Fremont mentioned that there was talk of transferring fleet command away from the Andromeda Ascendant, but this does not appear to have been acted upon.


  • John Charles Frémont (January 21, 1813 – July 13, 1890), was an American military officer, explorer, the first candidate of the Republican Party for the office of President of the United States, and the first presidential candidate of a major party to run on a platform in opposition to slavery. During the 1840s, that era's penny press accorded Frémont the epithet The Pathfinder, which remains in use, sometimes as "The Great Pathfinder". (Wikipedia)


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