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Slipfighters defending the Arkology
Slipfighters in space

Slipfighters are small, agile fighter. Usually, their crew contains only of one pilot, but in many fighters their is room for at least one passenenger. This is why they can be used as shuttles in dangerous situations.

According to their name Slipfighter are abele to switch over to the Slipstream, so they are not bound to a planetary system.


Types of High Guard Slipfighters

The High Guard mainly uses three kinds of slipfighters. Because of the artificial intelligence all ships of the High Guard are able to control their slipfighter via a Datalink. But this method has a serious disadvantage because of its liability to enemy jammers

AF/A-29 Phoenix

The Phoenix is a light bomber for attack on planetary targets. They have been especially designed, to be immerse quickly into the atmosphere, to attack the target and immediately leave again. They are primarily used against targets on the ground like air raid defenses and any kind of important constructions.



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RF-42 Centaur

Centaurs are tactical Slipfighters, similiar to the concept of bombers. Its name can be understood as an allusion to the Vedrans, similiar to the vedrans of the mythology on Earth. Its main task is the combat of enemy capital ship.



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RA-26 Shrike

Shrikes are light and fast interceptors, build to hold of enemy bombers and their escort. Simultaneously they can be used itself as escorts.



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