Balance of Judgement

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Revision as of 07:07, 12 May 2007

Class DSX
Serial Number Unknown
Commander Judgment AI
Faction Commonwealth/Restorians
Construction Facility Unknown
Home Planet Unknown
Status Destroyed

The Balance of Judgment was a High Guard DSX attack cruiser, one of the most powerful warships in the known worlds. After the fall of the Commonwealth, the Judgment fought slavers, pirates, and other threats to peaceful worlds. However, this slowly escalated until the Judgment decided that the organics were destroying worlds with their space travel and founded the Restorian movement.

Eventually the Judgment encountered a force equal to it, the Andromeda Ascendant. Using its avatar, Gabriel, it tried to sabotage the Andromeda but was destroyed. The Judgment AI hid in Andromeda before finally being deleted after attempting to hijack the Resolution of Hector

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