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Race Nietzscheans
Origin Fountainhead
Capital Enga's Redoubt
Distribution Andromeda Galaxy
Government Military Dictatorship
Leader unknown
Status Widely Spread

The Drago-Kazov is the most powerful Nietzschean pride and the one that spearheaded the uprising against the Systems Commonwealth. The pride was formed when Drago joined with the Kazov pride, breaking with the Museveni pride. The Drago-Kazov were also the ones that spearheaded the uprising against the Systems Commonwealth and thus the most responsible for the Long Night. However, unlike many other factions, the Drago-Kazov only grew in power, conquering much of the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies, including Earth, the homeworld of humanity. Three hundred years after the Fall, the Drago-Kazov command the largest fleet in the known worlds and ruled thousands of slave worlds.

Though the Drago-Kazov remained a major power, it was unable to prevent an alliance between the Sabras and the Jaguars, resulting in a war between the united Sabra-Jaguar and themselves. This war would ultimately end in a stalemate once the Commonwealth Charter signatures joined with the Sabra-Jaguar and the Drago-Kazov found themselves also having to subdue rebellions on many of their slave worlds. When Tyr Anasazi proclaimed himself to be the progenitor and managed to pass the DNA tests, the Drago-Kazov joined him though lost their homeworld in the process. Ultimately they and several other Nietzschean prides joined on an attack against Tarazed, the new Commonwealth capital, but were stopped by Captain Hunt.

The Drago-Kazov are a militant pride and even allow children born with defects like sterility to live. However, these children must then prove their worth or risk bringing more shame to their families.


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